Thursday, March 8, 2012

Color. What is to be afraid of?

So many people are afraid of color in their homes.  Yet, they dress with color in their wardrobe everyday.

There is nothing to be afraid of.  You can always change it if you don't like it or if it doesn't work with something new you add. Such replacing an old chair of sofa.

What color makes you happiest? Incorporating that color into your spaces can create a look you really love. Learn to use  a few tips on color choice with these helpful ideas.

Look in your closet.  What colors are you currently wearing?  That is a BIG clue.

If you lean more towards neutrals, then pull in color with accessories.  That is the easiest and quickest affordable way to add color.

Using beige and browns then punch it up with red,orange and gold in small areas like wall hangings or paintings. Pillows on the sofa and colorful object placed around the room with do the trick.

Choosing a color scheme by selecting colors from the color wheel is very helpful.  For example:  orange and blue are opposites.  Used together in a vibrate hue is beautiful.  Think Mexican pottery for an example.

Greens are very restful as is blue.  The  colors of the sky and green grass.  Natures colors. Almost every shade is tied to nature and gives off a decidedly fresh vibe. Items that bring in the colors of the outdoors can be, potted plants and ceramic garden stools. A single shade of green repeated throughout the space can create a sense of unity.

Still uncertain?  Call a decorator or ME to find out how to use what you have and make simple changes to add some freshness to your home.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mirror Effects

Mirrors are magical.  They do a lot of heavy lifting in the decorating department.  Are you guilty of not harnessing their full stylistic punch?  They are not just for checking to see if we have spinach between our teeth.Their powers are masterful if used properly.

They are effective in small sizes grouped together or become focal points of the room if large enough to be stood on the floor and leaned against the wall.

Using mirrors creatively can add extra  style throughout your home. If your room looks unbalanced because of a lack of a  window create the illusion of one.  Use mirror panels to make a faux window and top it off with curtains, and at first glance it will pass as a window.

When you have a beautiful view, you can double it.  Hang a mirror opposite the view to duplicate it.  This can take the place of art work. It will also add double the natural light in the room.

Mirrors are thought to add more energy to a space.  Try adding one or using one you have in an unexpected place.
Let me know if you feel more energetic!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

STUFF: How Much Do We Really Need?

The Webster’s definition of stuff, (n.) "material of which anything is made, worthless things of matter".  That word "worthless" just about sums it up.  We value it or we wouldn’t let it take over. It can clog the smooth workings of any home. It's silent. It’s sneaky. It creeps in gradually.

But how much is too much?  It is definitely at the “too much” point when we have it managing our lives.  Rule of thumb:  when we have so much in the house or garage that we buy a storage unit or rent a storage space for it or when we can’t see the top of the tables or the floor, we have too much!

Some people just climb over it and let it live within their homes.  It takes on a life of its own. The last scenario is what I have been working with since I last wrote. It was a sad situation.   What causes a person to be so that they can’t get rid of their garbage and they continue to obtain more?  Some stuff is definitely worthwhile; for instance, a large flat screen television has value.  Collections of rare articles or jewels have value.  But there is little or no value in most of our stuff.

Stuff or clutter is NOT the enemy - and the enemy is in us.  The root of the problem is our own thinking. Our relationship to our body and our stuff is complex, and our problems with both are very real. I have been learning this as I have worked with a "hoarder" recently, and it has changed my mind about the importance of my "stuff". 

Depression is behind the illness of “hoarding”.  The depression is usually caused by some trauma, or in my client’s case, several events of trauma over a short period of time.  This trauma created a feeling of being alone in the world and clouded the reality of this person. OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder, is a real illness. This illness causes more aloneness. In my client’s case, the dirt and deplorable condition in her home actually caused people to keep away from her, which created the real problem of “aloneness” and caused even further depression.

What we have to guard against in our lives is associating things with feelings.  Things are all right in moderation, but moderation is the key. It is wonderful to have memories but substituting things for the feelings we need to deal with is very dangerous.  When we don’t deal with our sadness and hurt, the mind goes in to survival mode.  It is that strong survival mode that is actually killing the person..  If we die today, would the people who have to clean out our personal possessions value much of what we have or just toss it out?  It is a real question to ask ourselves.

It is never too late to clear away and give away or sell the stuff that we aren’t using.  There is always someone who could use the stuff that we don’t need.  Remember the saying, “one man’s trash is another man's treasure”?  Take time to clear out at least one small area.  You will find it helps to clear your space as well as your mind. 

Have a wonderful Christmas, and we'll talk more in 2011!

Monday, October 18, 2010

We are all feeling the change in the air (maybe not the temperature so much). It is now Fall (finally).

The holidays will be here before we know it.  So this is the time to get ready for those family gatherings and for cooler weather. Let's refresh the outside of our homes while the weather is nice and we can enjoy being outside.

Some things to think about for the upcoming celebrations should include our home's curb appeal.  We all have room to improve. There is  good news:  "Anything you do to your home is never a waste of money-unless it's an indulgent, personal statement," says HGTV's Lisa Laporta.

Starting on the outside of the house is great because the weather is so invigorating.  Are your summer blooming flowers looking a little brown or scraggly?  How about adding lots of color with mums.  Mums are inexpensive and have so many colors to choose from.  There is sure to be a color available to compliment the exterior of your house. A potted container of colorful blooms at the front door creates a warm welcome for your guests.

A  fresh coat of paint on the front door will complete our labor intensive work list.  Try a bold new color to accent the overall color of your home. Finally, adding a door decoration would accent the new color.  This time of year you will be able to find Fall-colored wreaths and swags on sale.

Remember, cleaning out the flower beds and the fertilizing the flower beds and your lawn will assure a favorable curb appeal during the holidays.

A little work now will make a dramatic difference in your home's curb appeal.  When the work is finished, you and your neighbors will be glad you invested your time and money!

Next post:  "Small Changes to Make Big Differences for the Inside of the House"

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Small Project to Make a Big Difference

Today is the 3rd day of  pounding rain in sunny Fort Lauderdale - a great day for me to tackle my clothes closet (a long overdue project!).

I am going to add a second rod for my hanging clothes. This will double my hanging space and free up areas for more storage. In order to do this, I must first raise the upper rod. This will allow for the space to add the new one.  While working on the closet rods, it is also time to paint, vacuum, and clear out unwanted items. I plan to donate any clothes that I haven't worn in the last year to charity (you know, the two-sizes-too-small ones!). Then, throw out the old faded and well-loved ones!

The last time my closet was painted was probably when the house was built.  So that will be what I do after emptying the  space. I am also going to add a light to this small space and a 3-drawer chest. The chest will hold my belts and scarves and a few folded items. Since there are no electrical outlets, I will use one of those battery powered "push on" lights (found at the discount store). I will install hooks at each end of the wall to hang things like my umbrella and a tote bag or two, and add a small plastic woven tote inside the closet to hold ready-for-the-dry-cleaners items. It will be a "quick grab" on my way out the door.

This time invested will be well spent.  I will be able to find the mates for my shoes and see what I plan to wear with greater ease. I hope this has given you some thoughts on using your unexpected "down time" to make your home more efficient and enjoyable.  Remember, a little time spent on a project like this will save you lots of time in the long run.

Next post:  "Curb Appeal"

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Tips

Hot, tired and tired of looking at the same old rooms day after day?
Use this time of easy Summer time lazy days to bring in some color and life in your rooms. It won't take long and is so easy to do.

A quick trip to the local discounted home goods store can do the trick.  Use an outdoor plant stand in an empty corner to add some colorful pots with live plants for a fresh look.  It is not only a chance to bring some color to the room it is an opportunity to help "purify" the air in the room.  Plants filter the air and look so fresh. Add colorful blooming plants and change them out when they start looking a little  ragged.  If potted plants don't work for you, how about adding cut flowers in an old pitcher or ice bucket. Take the opportunity to use something that is hidden in a cabinet to place them in.  Aunt Elli's cut glass would love to be put to use. You can admire it and the flowers.

How about replacing kitchen cabinet hardware.   Plenty of websites offer great selections and inexpensive prices.  If that is to big of a job, how about just replacing hardware on a table or desk?

Outdoor furniture is on sale now.  Try adding a small wicker table or a canvas chair to a room. Don't forget editing of accessories on mantels and bookcases frees up spaces for new ideas and colorful accessories. Change is good.

De-cluttering  is always a good way to spend time during a hot Summer afternoon. 

Pour yourself a lemonade and try and stay cool.  Put your feet up and take a good look around and improve your spaces and your attitude at the same time. Now that is a great refreshing idea.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

More Spring Tips

Home Staging

Homes staging is about making a house look more spacious and light. Home staging is used to sell properties and to enhance homes in need of a "Spruce It Up" look. A new outlook by a home stager can bring just that to a home.

Your bathroom can have an inexpensive update simply by addressing your frameless mirror that is held up with clips. Give it a frame: it's like adding jewelry to a plain black dress. MirrorMate Frames have beautiful, real wood frames that can fit any decor and they are easy to install yourself. They fit right over those unattractive clips and adhere to the surface of the mirror while it's on the wall.

If we cook, have pets, or smoke, you have a home with odors that need to be eliminated.  Just because we can't smell an odor doesn't mean it isn't there.  Spring is a great time of the year to open up the windows and let the fresh air in!

It's time to de-clutter, add some fresh paint, let some fresh air inside and frame a tired bathroom mirror.

So until next time, Happy Spring and get busy!

for more info on the mirror frames: